
A ambitious, balanced and generous approach to music education


Music for personal relationship

Music, the joy of playing and active learning

Véronique patiently invests all her energy and knowledge to create a positive relationship with her students so that they can discover a passion for music.


She devotes many hours to preparing individual lessons for each student. She makes every effort to bolster self confidence by acknowledging each student’s progress and never comparing one student with another. She makes adjustments as needed in her instruction according to her students’ abilities and personalities.


Students benefit not only from their in-class instruction, but also from the opportunity to socialize with their fellow piano students. For example, students regularly share their love of music by playing chamber music. This experience helps them learn to listen to each other and also fosters appreciation and respect for each other.


Parents are considered integral partners in music instruction. They are informed of the content of lessons, notably during the annual parent-teacher conference.

The teaching methodology combines many creative and enjoyable activities within the framework of specific and well-organised learning objectives. Homework assignments are appropriately balanced so that children discover both the joy of playing music and the motivation to progress to the next level.


Students are introduced to a variety of classical musical styles. Additionally, they are invited to experience and may also suggest to Véronique other genres such as jazz, latin, popular songs, movie scores. The aim is to broaden their musical horizons.


The students learn to work autonomously and to develop their critical sense. Young pianists make significant and rapid progress on their wonderful and challenging musical path.


As a concert pianist, Véronique is a living example for her students of the hard work and commitment required to prepare for public performance as the motivation for constant self improvement.

Music for self expression

Music, instruction for living

Students learn how to tell stories by internal singing, use of their imagination and joyful movement. They learn to sculpt the sound, draw musical lines, and color and orchestrate their playing. They are instructed to pay attention to phrases and polyphony, as well as to musical form and grammar.


Children discover their musical taste, spontaneity and personal mode of self expression. Connections are created between students’ musical emotions and each composer’s  intentions.


Creativity is a focal point of instruction so that the students are able to improvise and compose their own music and intimately experience the composer’s works.

The objective is to develop each student’s self confidence. They acquire effective techniques for learning and memorizing as well as for time management. Progressively they learn to manage the stress and pressure of performing before an audience. Learning to play an instrument requires infinite patience, precision, concentration and a commitment to pushing the boundaries of their abilities.


Playing the piano requires the physical, emotional, intellectual and social involvement of the students. They see an increase in their energy level, organisational and cognitive abilities and in the very joy of living.

Music for self discovery

Inherent in Veronique’s musical instruction is attention to breathing, singing and feeling rhythm.


The sense of touch and hearing, which are often neglected in public education, are emphasized and developed.


Children discover anatomy and how to be physically relaxed. They become conscious of their movements and how they are playing. They develop a harmonious sound, bound to their physical well being.


Technical work establishes links between studied movements and observation of nature as well as to the students’ daily life experiences.


Coordination and fine motor skills are developed. Musculature and physical aspects specific to pianists are refined through detailed and original exercises as well as through classical piano studies, pieces written purposely to enhance special skills of the performer.